2018 Mini Sessions- El Dorado Hills, Folsom and Lincoln California

Siblings hug on a rock in a photoshoot in El Dorado Hills

Anyone else wake up today and say “How the heck is it October already?!” Who’s ready for the holiday season? Not me quite yet.

What I am ready for is to send out the email announcing mini session dates! If you want in early so you can choose the location you want and the time slot you want- hopefully, you have subscribed to my newsletter. If you have not, its not too late, message me your email and I will add you!

***There will be a special bonus for Silva Valley Elementary families and any of the babies that modeled for me in my new studio!***




Susannah Gill is located in El Dorado Hills CA. She photographs weddings, families & babies in Tahoe, San Francisco, the Bay area and is always looking to travel! Phone:1-916-936-7363 Email: susannah@susannahgill.com